Friday, October 20, 2017

How To Fix Bad Posture

Bad posture is a big problem for many Americas and for all people in general because we are doing a great part of our lives in a flexible position. So how to fix a bad position is a big question. To further illustrate what I mean, imagine you were captured in the fetal position. That would be the last curved position, which is in the opposite of good position.

fix bad posture

We spent a lot of time sending texts, computers, driving, etc. All this affects our kinetic chain and we end up with a bad attitude. It is important to start working in your position because it will only worsen with age. Older people do not develop a lump on their backs and begin to look like Quasimoda at night. They first develop a bad post-shoulder position and frontal syndrome.

To correct a bad position, one of the number one methods is to just get up. That's what your mother told you, that's the best way in general. If you practice sit and stand all day 30 days a week; I promise you will be surprised by the results. Your attitude will be greatly improved.

To find your normal posture, take your shoulders and take them, and then let them hang. This is your normal posture and a great way to work on the shoulder protrusion.

Shoulder pulling is caused by tight chests, tight lances and weak upper back (rhomboid). The way the problem of poor posture is firmly supposed to work is to boost double the number of rhomboids from the chest and the back.

Exercises such as rib rows and reversed flies will greatly help you repair your weak rhomboids. It also takes a lot of time actively stretching the chest and back to relieve tension.

Much of the chest has been made so that the arms are bent at 90 degrees and supported in the chest forward. In order to stretch the lys to hang from the relaxed extraction rod for at least 20 seconds 4x.

Front anterior pelvis is caused by solid weft bodies that pull the pelvis forward. Tight muscles of the lower back pull the pelvis in the symbiosis which creates the rotating effect of the wheel on the pelvis. The buttocks weaken the position where the hips are, and can not pull the hips in the correct alignment.

The way we rectify this difference is to strengthen the butt with training exercises such as squats, recesses, bridges and hip extensions. It is also more important to spend much time stretching the bending of the hip and the lower back. Seating and achievement remains one of the best dentures for the lower back.


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